Coping with COVID-19

As of 31st July 2020, this page is no longer being updated and the information may be outdated, but we have kept the items below open for the record, and for the convenience of parishioners. For the latest Mass Times click here.

The Church is now open for private prayer from 9am to 11am, and 1pm to 4pm Monday to Friday.
It is also open on Saturday morning from 9am to 11am but closed on Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday.

Public Worship has now resumed

Read the latest letter from Fr Kevin 31st July 2020, CLICK HERE.

You are invited once again to come and join us for Mass, at St Michael & All Angels. We will be offering Mass twice on Sunday and four times throughout the week. Full schedule online now.

Our Parish Office is still closed but you can still contact our Parish Managers, Anna Benson and Claire Barrell, via phone and email: 020 8994 1380 or

1. Read a letter from Fr Kevin about the resumption of Public Worship by clicking here

 Keep in touch with letters like this through our Events Newsletter.

Get in touch
If you have self-isolated and/or you need any pastoral or other support, please get in touch with us via the Parish Office: 020 8994 1380 or It is important to have a robust pastoral strategy at this time: not just the clergy, but all the congregation, engaged in actively phoning – or contacting in other ways – vulnerable members of the congregation and others, to keep in touch and to offer practical help if need be.

2.  Catch up with our worship – on St Michael & All Angels’ Facebook page

The Mass is streamed on Facebook. Please note: you should not have to join Facebook to watch it if you don’t want to! Simply click this link or paste it into your browser If you have difficulties in joining the service, feel free to email for help!

As of 1st August we will only be streaming Mass at 9.30am Sunday, at 12noon Wednesday and Thursdays.

You can watch recordings of all our streamed services on the Catch Up: Videos page 

3.  Listen to our Podcasts – words and music

You can listen to all our podcasts (and see full details and how they are created) on the Catch Up: Podcasts page.

4.  Listen to Mindfulness Podcasts from St Peter’s Centre for Mindfulness

During the closure of the centre, we will be uploading Podcasts here to help you with Mindfulness meditation at home. This is the direct link to the podcasts.
We hope you find these useful and if you do we would like to request a small donation towards keeping the centre going at this time. Please click the donation link here.

5. Sunday worship and activities for children at home, Easter Bonnets and Easter Garden

For many weeks during the COVID-19 situation, the Children’s Church team provided Sunday worship and activities for children at home. See Children’s Church Online: Worship and activities. .

6. Donating to St Michael’s and our charities

7. Helping the vulnerable and those in need

**Ealing Foodbank’s office is now closed and we can no longer take donations – but they can receive them on Wednesdays in Hanwell. See details on the Ealing Foodbank website, including its latest shopping list.

8. Keeping occupied and cheerful

For updates, watch this page and our regular Newsletters; the St Peter’s Acton Green website; and our Facebook and Twitter pages.
The Chiswick Calendar Newsletter is now focussing on what’s happening in  the crisis and how you can help in Chiswick.