Christina Whiteway

Children's Church Leader

I have been a member of St Michael’s since I moved to Shepherd’s Bush with my husband, heavily pregnant, in 2001. After Finlay and, later, Oli were born I took my turn helping in the creche and then joined the Children’s Church team. A few years’ later I was approached to take over the co-ordination of the Children’s Church and help co-ordinate the Children’s Ministry and I’ve been doing it ever since. I said I would keep doing it ’til i got it right’…and I’m still here! I have a fantastic team of helpers who generously give their time two or three Sunday’s a term to take part in the Children’s Church sessions. They do a great job – we know this because we have such a consistent gaggle of children that keep coming back. I love the Children’s Ministry and the refreshing take on our faith that children give us…intentionally or not!  My favourite Children’s Church events are the crib service and the special little services Father Kevin and Sarah give for the children on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Ascension Day. My ‘day job’, for want of a better word, has changed recently. After taking quite a few years out to raise my family (and hold down an sensible part-time job) I have returned to professional acting and am muddling my way through making a go of it. St Michael’s had a part in this too as it was at the Bedford Park Festival in 2014 that I was cast in my first professional engagement in over 10 years – Under Milk Wood!