WaterHarvest has been the St Michael & All Angels overseas charity for three years.
We shall be announcing our new overseas charity in the New Year.
WaterHarvest’s fundraising manager Julia Seal writes:
It was a truly wonderful day when you chose to partner with us in 2018. Your generosity has funded 60 water-harvesting tanks (see photos, click to zoom in) for the most vulnerable families in NW India. Without your help, 420 children women and men would today be struggling to find enough water to drink. THANK YOU.
Laxmi Devi, aged 32 who has two sons aged 8 and 6:
‘From this work by WaterHarvest we have got so much courage. When my husband died, a mountain of sorrows had broken in my family; I had to go door to door asking for water. My husband had a dream to build a big tank, that dream has come true today. Therefore this family thanks those donors whom they do not even know.’
Wishing you all a peaceful and happy Christmas from everyone at WaterHarvest.