St Michael and All Angels Church, Bedford Park

Electoral Roll 2013

The Church electoral roll is the foundation of the governance of the church. It contains the names and addresses of everyone who can vote at the Annual Parochial
Church Meeting (this year's is on Sunday April 21st at 11.30am, followed by a Parish Lunch).

Every six years, each parish is required to prepare a new electoral roll. 2013 is such a year. Everyone – including those already on the current roll – is required to sign a new form. There are forms at the back of church and you can download one here.

Please complete the form and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible. A separate form is required for each person in your family/household.      

Who is eligible? Anyone over 16 who can answer one of the following questions:

- I am a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and am resident in the parish.
- I am a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and, not being resident in the parish, I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.
- I am a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the Church of England and I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.

The year at St Michael's - the latest Annual Report in words and pictures...
...and in figures in the Financial Statement